Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can a Starry Night Give Healing Light?

This is the image which comes to my mind whenever I allow the Newtown and now Boston tragedy to come to my consciousness. I say allow because I can't let these events overcome me too often or I might melt like candle wax near an open flame. Grief has a way of paralyzing me, and I have to remain angry. Anger is good. It keeps me alert. I have more phone calls to make to Senators who don't listen to the will of the people. I have to remain loving and prayerful, too. All the victims and their families need my prayers and yours, too.  Can God send them healing love and light? This painting says yes.

The way Van Gogh saw the universe helps me. We are stardust and we are infinite. We are carbon and immortal. We are broken and resilient.

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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human one.
Teilhard deChardin