Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Jutting Chin Meets Big Ass

  I'm listening to hypnosis tapes these days, hoping and praying I'll lose some weight.  I could just eat less but why deprive myself of handing out bucks to the diet industry.  Someone has to help with the economic recovery and I'm doing my part.
  Hypnosis lady sounds just like Lucy from the Charlie Brown specials.  Even with her droll voice she managed to get my attention.  Fat people are not emotionally weak but very strong, she said.  Despite a very public and personal plumpness, they've managed to soldier on in our thin-obsessed society.
  I am a person of a "certain weight" and eventually I would've forgotten hypnosis lady's point except within minutes of turning off the recording, I saw heft take charge.
  I walked into a community center in a small town to deliver some information about hospice and I was greeted by a woman, even larger than me, in western style vest and shirt.  She smiled big as the moon.
  "Come on this way, honey.  The booths are waitin' for you to cast your vote."
  "Right," I said catching on.  "Today's the primary, but I'm not here to vote.  I'd like to leave information about hospice."
  "Isn't that nice.  What a fine program.  You put it up here," and she showed me a bulletin board.  I looked for a way to hang the information.
"I wished I'd brought some pins."
"Don't worry," and she took the pin of another organization's bill and pinned up my fliers.  "Your message is more important."  She smiled some more -- a genuine, "I'm happy and I hope you are too," smile.  Not grumpy, frumpy or dumpy only confident.
  I will never be happy about my weight but I can be happy about me.


  1. I've come to the conclusion that losing weight is easy. If you devote every waking thought and ounce of energy to the project. And then, should you lose ten percent of your body weight, the chances are you'll trigger almost irresistible biochemical forces, all of them screaming at you that the Great Famine is on it's way.

  2. Ain't that the truth. During the rare times I dream about food, I'll realize I'm dreaming and eat as much of it as I can -- knowing I can't gain any weight.


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human one.
Teilhard deChardin